These are the enthusiastic and outstanding people who are part of our group. For people interested in joining our group, visit the page listing the open positions.
Program Manager

Hephzibah SOLOMON
Hephzibah received her Master’s Degree from Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute University, Chennai, India in 2015. After graduation, she worked in Cognizant Technologies and Tata Groups as an IT Systems Engineer. Currently, she is working as Program Manager in the Green IC group.
Postdocs and Research Fellows

Karim Ali Abdeltawwab AHMED
Karim received B.S. Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt, in 2010, M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering from American University in Cairo (AUC), Cairo, Egypt, in 2013 and PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National University in Singapore (NUS), in 2019. He was a research assistant at Nile University from 2010 to 2011 and American University in Cairo (AUC) from 2011 to 2012. He was a graduate intern at PC client group (PCCG), Intel Cooperation, Oregon USA from 2012 to 2013. He worked as a teaching assistant at Middle East Technical University North Cyprus Campus (METU – NCC) in 2014. He is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow at Electrical and Computer Engineering department, NUS. His research interest includes non-volatile memories and logic, computing in memory, low power ADCs, computer-aided design (CAD) for 3D ICs, and field programmable analog arrays IC design.

Hayate received a B.S. Degree in Information and System Engineering from Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, in 2014, an M.S. and a Ph.D. degree in Information and Computer Science from Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan, in 2016 and 2018, respectively. From 2019 to 2021, he was a research fellow at the University of Bologna, Bologna Italy. Currently, he is a Research Fellow at the Green IC Group, National University of Singapore, Singapore. His primary research interests are in ultra-low-power SoCs, adaptive body biasing aiming for IoT edge devices, and chip-to-chip interfaces.

Anil Kumar GUNDU
Anil Kumar Gundu received B.Tech and M.Tech degrees in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, India, and Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 2012 and 2015, respectively, and Ph.D. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, in 2022. He was a trainee at ST Microelectronics, Greater Noida, India from 2014 – 2015. He is currently working as a Research Fellow at Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS. His research interests include SRAM design in FDSOI technology, low-power and high-performance integrated circuit design, and novel semiconductor devices.

Hongchang QIAO
Hongchang Qiao received B.Eng. degree in Electronic Science and Technology and M.Eng. degree in Integrated Circuit Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 2016 and 2019, respectively, and Ph.D. degree from Southern University of Science of Technology, Shenzhen, China, in 2023. He is currently working as a Research Fellow at Electrical and Computer Engineering, NUS. His research interests include advanced references, linear regulators, switching converters, especially predictive PMU and perceptive PMU for portable devices.

Yuanzhao DING
Dr. Ding Yuanzhao earned his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2004-2008. He completed his Master’s in Energy Engineering at Peking University in 2008-2011 and obtained his PhD in Sustainable Earth from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2012-2017. In 2020, Dr. Ding received a second Master’s degree in Biodiversity Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford, UK in 2018-2020. Following his graduation, he joined the National University of Singapore to conduct research related to sustainability.

Animesh GUPTA
Animesh Gupta completed his B.Tech. (with Honors) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee in 2018. He worked at Synopsys Bangalore, India for two years as a Product Engineer. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree with the Green IC group at NUS. His research area revolves around design techniques for energy-efficient machine learning accelerators. He is currently working on designing a low-power Deep Neural Network accelerator based on Dyadic Digital Pulse Modulation.
PhD students

Hui Zhang is currently working on designing and developing circuitry-level countermeasures against laser-based physical attack against encryption digital ICs as a Research Engineer at Green IC group. Before joining the group, he was working for two years at FINISAR Corp, Shanghai China, where he developed 100Gbps QSFP28 optical transceiver and AOC products for datacenter applications. Hui is holding double Bachelor Degrees of 1st Class Honors B.Eng in Electronics and Electronics Science and Technology from University of Liverpool, UK, and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China respectively. Hui also holds MRes Degree in Integrated Photonics and Electronic System from University of Cambridge, UK.

Udara Samurdhi Harshanga KALINGAGE
Udara received her BTech (Hons) in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur and MSc (Hons) in Integrated Circuit Design Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is currently pursuing her PhD with the Green IC group at National University of Singapore. Her research interest is on design of ultra low power intelligent vision systems for sensing, selecting, and computing.

Tianqi WANG
Tianqi received the B.Eng. (with Honours) and M.Sc. Degrees from NUS department of Electrical Engineering in 2019 and 2021 respectively. He worked with Micron Semiconductor Asia, Singapore, between 2019 and 2021, developing test programs for Micron DDR4 products. He is currently pursuing PhD Degree at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore. His research interests are reconfigurable & flexible energy-efficient DSP/ AI accelerators.

Ruiyuan YANG
Ruiyuan received his B.Eng. (with Honours) in Electrical Engineering from National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2022. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. with the Green IC group at NUS. His recent research focus is on the design of backscatter communication chips. Currently, he is working on a backscatter communication system based on Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 for realizing long-range ultra-low-power communications for IoT sensor nodes.

Neil received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2023. He is now pursuing his PhD part-time with the GREEN-IC group, while working as a Teaching Assistant in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NUS. He is currently working in the field of AI accelerators, particularly for large sequential models like transformers.
Research Engineers and Research Associates

Neelkamal SEMWAL
Neelkamal received his Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Silchar, India in 2019. He worked as a Senior Software Engineer at Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India from 2019 – 2022. He is currently working as a Research Engineer in the Green IC group. His research interest is on low power systems and circuits.

MA Yuyu
Ma Yuyu received her Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Information Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2021, and MSc. Degree from NUS in 2022. She is currently a Research Engineer in the Green IC group. Her research interests are analog circuits and architectures based on transistors working in super-cutoff region.

Qu Hao
Qu Hao has completed his Bachelor’s degree at the National University of Singapore. His research focuses on developing new agriculture sensors with ultra-low power and a long lifecycle.

Dingyi XIONG
Xiong Dingyi received the bachelor’s degree in Electronic Science and Technology from Northwestern Polytechnical University (in China) in 2022. Currently, he is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering department from the National University of Singapore. He is currently working on side-channel attack in EM area, which is about EM attack prevention through the EM-aware stdcell placement.

Yuchen JIANG
Jiang Yuchen received his Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Engineering from Nanjing Tech University in 2021. Currently, he is pursuing his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering Nanoelectronics Specialization from National University of Singapore. His research interest is on energy-efficient microarchitecture design. He is currently working on low power high speed communication between MCU and self-designed FPGA on the same chip.

Xinhui ZHANG
Zhang Xinhui received her Bachelor’s Degree in Microelectronic Science and Engineering (VLSI Design & System Integration) from Nanjing University in 2020, she is pursuing a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering department from the National University of Singapore. She is currently working on fully-synthesizable analog blocks.

Yifan ZHAO
Zhao Yifan received his Bachelor’s Degree in Integrated Circuits Design and Integrated Systems from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2023. He is pursuing his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering at National University of Singapore. His current interests cover AI acceleration and digital architecture design.
MSc students

Zhongheng XIE
Xie Zhongheng received his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering & its Automation from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in the year 2022. He is now pursuing a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering department from the National University of Singapore, specialized in Nanoelectronics. Currently he is working on optimizing deep learning algorithms for on-chip and edge machine intelligence.

CHEN Quanlong
Chen Quanlong received his Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and its Automation from Beijing Jiaotong University in 2023. He is pursuing his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering at National University of Singapore. His current interests cover smart power management and real time load prediction.

QIU Hanyu
Qiu Hanyu received his Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering with Management from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2023. Currently, he is pursuing his Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering from National University of Singapore. He is currently working on data provenance authentication based on the RISC-V processor core.

XU Yuanxin Johnson
Yuanxin Xu received his Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 2023. Currently, he is pursuing his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering (Nanoelectronics specialization) from National University of Singapore. His research interest is on radio frequency integrated circuit, energy harvesting and backscatter communication. He is currently working on battery-less motion sensing wake-up receiver based on RF harvesting.
Undergraduate students

Bock Kai Sheng
Bock Kai Sheng is an undergraduate Electrical Engineering student at the National University of Singapore. His current work focuses on AI accelerator HW-SW interfaces and compiling custom architectures using the MLIR framework.
Visiting professors and scientists in past years
— Prof. Andrea Ballo (Aug – Sept 2023)
– Prof. Dennis Sylvester (July – Aug 2019)
– Prof. Jan Rabaey (periods in 2018-2020)
– Prof. Kaushik Roy (summer 2016, 2017)
– Mario CASU, Politecnico di Torino (2017)
– Prof. Bevan BAAS, University of California Davis (2016)
– Andrea CALIMERA, Politecnico di Torino (2016)
Alumni and past members (PhD, Research Engineers, MSc)
–Japesh VOHRA
–Marco PRIVITERA (Visiting PhD student)
–Filippo MARTININI (Visiting PhD student)
–Hoang Hong HANH
— Yao Zu WONG
— Lei HAO (undergrad student)
–Chengyu JIA (MSc student)
–Guowei YANG (MSc student)
–DING Chang (MSc student)
— Udari De Alwis – Researcher at imec- Lueven
— Sixiao SUN
— Thoithoi Singh Salam
— Praveen Shivappa Salamani – Senior Analog Design Engineer at Innatera Nanosystems
— Liu Yue (MSc in NUS)
— Liu Jiaqi (MSc in NUS)
— Varun Agarwal (Undergraduate, Class of 2024)
— Luigi Fassio – Huawei
— Fang Qiang – Circuit Design Engineer at AMD
— Joydeep Basu – Assistant Professor at Jadavpur University
— Himadri Singh Raghav
— Viveka Konandur Rajanna – Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
— Orazio AIELLO – Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Università degli Studi di Genova | UNIGE
— Tianran SHI (MSc in NUS)
— Liangying CHEN (MSc in NUS)
— Yu KAI (MSc in NUS)
— Venkata Ramana Nimmagadda (MSc in NUS)
– Sayan Kumar – Doctoral Researcher at University College Dublin
– Sachin TANEJA (PhD 2016-2021) – Intel Labs
– Longyang LIN – Assistant Professor at SUSTech
– Prachi AGARWAL – PhD student at Johns Hopkins University
– Kalana Laksith DE SILVA (STEngineering)
– Benoit D’ARAMON (visiting student from EPFL, 2020)
– Saurabh JAIN (PhD and RF, 2013-2019) – Intel Labs
– Jinq Horng TEO (PhD, 2016-2019) – currently at Huawei Singapore
– Ramesh Vaddi (RF, 2018-2019) – currently at SRM University
– Gopalakrishnan SADAGOPAN (RE, 2016-2018) – Senior Physical Design Engineer at Intel Corporation
– Ayushi AGARWAL (RE, 2018) – currently at IIT
– Soumya Shatakshi PANDA (RE, 2018) – Research Assistant at Universität Siegen
– Amulya PANDEY (MSc in NUS)
– Nishant GUPTA (MSc in NUS)
– Snehlata GUTGUTIA (MSc in NUS) – currently with Intel
– Priyankar TALUKDAR (RE)
– Isha GARG (RE) – currently with Purdue University
– Anastacia ALVAREZ (PhD in NUS) – currently with the University of the Philippines Diliman
– Santanu SARKAR (RF)
– Maryana HERMAWAN (MSc 2013) – currently with Mediatek
– Harish DURAIRAJ (MSc 2014) – currently with Global Foundries
– Gopalakrishnan PONNUSAMY (MSc 2014, RE 2015) – currently with Rockwell Automation
– Niranjani RAJAGOPAL (RE, 2015) – currently with Western Digital, Bangalore
– Preetham KUMAR SELVAKUMAR (MSc, 2016) – currently with Hewlett Packard Enterprise
– Cheng Fei PHUNG (MSc, 2016)
– Shubham RAI (RE, 2016) – currently with TU Dresden
– Aishwarya RAMESH (MSc, 2016)
– Allan SHUAI (RE, 2016) – currently with Omnivision (previously with Mediatek)
– Deepa SINDHE SIVAJI (RE, 2017) – currently with Broadcom
– Prakhar SHARMA (RE, 2017) – currently with NUS
– Enrico Macrelli (RF, 2017) – currently with Politecnico di Torino