IEEE TVLSI paper on the fastest/most energy efficient pulsed latch just accepted (in collaboration with BWRC-UCBerkeley)

Collaboration with Prof. Jan Rabaey (UCBerkeley) led to a new paper that will be published on the IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems. To probe further: E. Consoli, G. Palumbo, J. Rabaey, M. Alioto, “A Novel Class of Energy-Efficient Very High-Speed Conditional Push-Pull Pulsed Latches,” in print on IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems. Abstract: In this paper, […]

JSSC paper in collaboration with BWRC-UCBerkeley just accepted

Collaboration with Prof. Jan Rabaey (UCBerkeley) leads to a new paper that will be published on the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits on the August special issue. To probe further: Massimo Alioto, Elio Consoli, Jan Rabaey, ““EChO” Reconfigurable Power Management Unit for Energy Reduction in Sleep-Active Transitions,” in print on JSSC, Aug. 2013. Abstract: A novel reconfigurable switched-capacitor […]